Polaroid Induced Vertigo

I just found this in my saved but not published blog posts . . . it still makes me sad. I've been photographing out on the West Coast for the last ten days or so, and the only internet access I've had was the few minutes at a coffee shop catching up on the important emails. I had a little more time today, and was reading up on the handful of blogs I check regularly.

Reading about the end of Polaroid hit me pretty hard, and I got that whole body disconnecting from the head feeling, the sickness in the stomach. It isn't that my work is directly dependent on Polaroid materials, but when the aspects of my straight work gets overwhelming, a box of Spectra and the company of friends is something of a godsend.

I do have a Fuji Instax I got from Canada, but there is something about the Polaroid that makes it a Polaroid—something the Instax doesn't have . . .  I think this might be the biggest Polaroid year ever as everyone goes on a shooting binge.  I know I will.